Data Privacy

Our Commitment

At, we hold your data privacy in the highest regard. Recognizing the importance of personal information and its secure handling, we've instituted measures to ensure its protection at every step.

Data Storage and Deletion

Whenever you upload data for conversion, be assured that it's processed under stringent security standards. These files are securely stored and utilized exclusively for their intended conversion purpose. After your conversion process concludes, we uphold our commitment to privacy by automatically deleting the files within a span of 1 hours.

No Third-Party Sharing

We steadfastly refrain from sharing, distributing, or selling your data or files to any third-party entities. Our primary goal is to offer a seamless conversion experience, while also safeguarding your trust.

Advanced Encryption

Further, uses advanced encryption protocols, ensuring that your files are encrypted during transit. We also run periodic security audits to detect vulnerabilities and address them proactively.

Reach Out

We encourage users to familiarize themselves with our terms and conditions and reach out to our support team for any clarifications regarding data handling practices. Your trust fuels our commitment to data privacy.